Looking for freedom? Want to find out more about this exceptional motorcycle gang? What does the MC Chosen Few do? What is the history of this motorcycle club? What are the colors and values of these bikers often associated with criminal activities?
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The Chosen Few Motorcycle Club was founded around 1959 in Los Angeles, California. The club’s aim was to ride motorcycles and enjoy the freedom these machines offered. Due to the high number of criminal activities committed by this club, the gang changed its name at some point. 🔥THE MOST POPULAR PRODUCTS🔥
In this article, you’ll discover, among other things:
- The history of the Chosen Few
- The activities of this motorcycle gang
- The high level of criminality among the members
- The reasons for and process of the club’s name change
Ready for an eyeful? Hang on, here we go, full speed ahead… 😈
History of the Chosen Few Motorcycle Gang
As previously mentioned, this American motorcycle club was founded in 1959 in Los Angeles. California is famous for being the birthplace of many motorcycle clubs. Many have sprung up there, but most have fallen into oblivion, while some, like the Chosen Few, have made their mark in this highly competitive environment. Let’s find out how and why this gang made its mark!
When we think of outlaw bikers in the 60s, we usually think of white men. Well, guess what? There were also black bikers back then, and it’s precisely this characteristic that made the Chosen Few famous. It’s highly likely that the club was founded by a group of black friends, which was highly unusual at the time. White bikers were much better known, and groups of outlaw bikers were almost exclusively made up of white men. That’s why the Chosen Few quickly became a multicultural club, which has left its mark on their history. 🙌
The Chosen Few were one of the first MC outlaws to fully embrace themselves. They became very well known thanks to their slogan: “In black and white, we’re really powerful”, which referred to the cultural mix we talked about earlier.
Chosen Few MC: An Anti-Racist Club
As we saw earlier, this club is made up of black men and white men, which was very rare at a time when communities didn’t mix much. All members are therefore anti-racist, and this is one of their main battles. 👊
It’s important to stress that most biker gangs, including those claiming to be “one percenters”, have no connection with crime. Some have indirect links, occasionally acting as paid bodyguards. The main activity of some of these outlaw gangs seems to boil down to conflicts with their rivals. In 2015, Alan “Cookie” McNamara, a member of the Caballero Motorcycle Club, murdered Andrew O’Donoghue of the CFMC in retaliation for an attack on the gang. During the murder, the victim’s jacket was stolen, a serious offense in the biker world.
Gang Biker 1%
Many biker gangs adopt the “one percent” slogan, but not all. This is the case, for example, with the Bandidos and the Hells Angels, which have long been associated with organized crime in the USA and continental Europe. The expression “one percent” refers to the idea that most biker clubs are law-abiding, while 1% identifies with the image of “outlaws”. That’s why the Chosen Few also belong to this group of gangs. Some are extremely proud of this, while others are much less so… 👇
Most biker clubs, including those rated “one percent”, have no connection with crime. Some have tangential links, occasionally acting as mercenaries for modest payments. The Chosen Few have chosen to focus on their passion for motorcycles and their lifestyle, not on criminal activities.
Criminal charges against the Gang
Several leaders and members of the “Chosen Few Motorcycle Club”, described by authorities as a criminal gang, have been arrested and jailed. According to the Los Angeles Police Department, the group, formed in May 2010, has been charged with various criminal activities such as:
- Drug trafficking
- Arms trafficking
- Theft and concealment of motorcycles
- Theft and handling of cars
- Participation in organized gang attacks
- Armed confrontations with rival gangs
- Creation and use of false documents
The main objective of the LAPD (Los Angeles Police Department) was to reduce the criminal activities of this biker club, headquartered in the 10800 block of South Broadway.
“In the first four months of 2010, the club was involved in three shootings and one murder,” said authorities. Law enforcement’s crackdown on the Chosen Few uncovered large quantities of phencyclidine, commonly known as PCP. Other drugs such as crack cocaine, powder cocaine and marijuana, as well as a large number of firearms, were also seized… 😵
A CFMC member is accused of creating false identities used by club members. These falsified IDs were used to purchase firearms, according to authorities. The District Attorney’s Office is seeking to prosecute nine Chosen Few members in connection with the case. Charges include offenses such as selling cocaine and marijuana, possession of assault weapons and other crimes. Patrick Gannon, deputy chief of the Los Angeles Police Department, made a rather violent statement in a press release, saying, “We will silence you and hold you down…”
Spectacular arrest in 1996
The unorthodox activities of many Chosen Few Motorcycle members have led to numerous arrests since the gang’s inception. Some arrests have been routine, while others have been full-blown commando operations. One of these operations made a big splash and left its mark on the confrontation between police and criminal gangs at the time. 😏
The police launched an operation against the biker gang’s headquarters. A member of the Emergency Response Unit (ERU) used a mechanical shovel to break down the steel gate, while other police officers scaled the fences at the rear to surround the gang. The electricity had been cut off, rendering useless the floodlights and security cameras installed around the complex. The police helicopter monitored the operation from the air. Once inside, the task force faced guard dogs and armored doors everywhere. Armed officers used angle grinders to cut their way past the criminals. 🔫
This was more than just a show of force by local law enforcement. Numerous firearms, dozens of knives, swords and machine pistols were discovered. Numerous drugs and 135,000 euros in cash were also seized. A dozen men were arrested and sentenced to long prison terms following this spectacular arrest, which marked the gang’s history.
Chosen Few Antisocial Behaviors
In addition to members involved in serious criminal activities such as arms and drug trafficking, the gang has also been associated with numerous anti-social behaviors that have tarnished its image. 🛡️
Indeed, many bikers wearing the gang’s colors have been involved in numerous altercations, whether on the road or in bars, for example. Insults, fights and other reprehensible acts have tarnished the club’s image. Unfortunately, even at concert gatherings, even between members of the same gang, incidents can turn tragic. Between broken bottles to the head and brass knuckles to the face, there’s nothing to suggest that a civilian is safe when surrounded by these individuals.
Club name change
The club was also closely associated with the “Grendon” gang, which was involved in drug trafficking. This connection was thoroughly investigated by the police. Some members of the Chosen Few, who had nothing to do with these illegal activities, were forced to change the club’s name so as not to be associated with these drug and crime deals. History repeated itself several times, resulting in several name changes since the club’s inception.
In 1994, it was known as “The Family”. However, after a member named Dermot Griffin was charged with murder by firearm at a biker event in Wicklow (USA), the club was forced to change its name. Griffin was acquitted of murder, but convicted of possession of a firearm in Crumlin. ⚖️
In 2000, Paul Mackey, who had been registered as the club’s owner four years earlier, was heavily fined for damaging a police car with a knife in Co Louth. The Chosen Few then decided to re-register their name with the Companies Office in 1996 (reverting to their original name) and retain it.
99% Motorcycle Enthusiasts
It’s important to remember that the vast majority of this club’s members are not involved in criminal activities. The phrase “1% outlaw bikers” means that only 1% of them are associated with criminal behavior. In reality, 99% of members live simply for their passion for motorcycles and fine mechanical engineering. 🏍️
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Join the Mouvement des Jeunes Motards
In a nutshell, we can say that the Chosen Few Motorcycle Club is a motorcycle club founded by a group of black friends at a time when it was rare to see African-Americans on motorcycles in the United States. Like many other motorcycle clubs, the CFMC is involved in activities such as hard drug dealing, arms trafficking and other criminal activities that represent only 1% of bikers who simply live their passion for motorcycles. The club is headquartered in the United States, but is also present in Mexico, Canada and Europe. 🔥THE MOST POPULAR PRODUCTS🔥