Looking for a unique drawing template of a pirate skull? Would you like to learn how to create your own illustration of a pirate skull? Would you like to discover the best techniques for making it quickly and remember all the steps?

Then welcome to our online store! Take our word for it: we’re experts when it comes to skulls. And when it comes to pirates, we’re always here to provide you with the information you’re looking for. 🙌

After teaching you how to draw a realistic skull, in this article we’re going to show you two beautiful pirate skull designs to reproduce. We’ll take you step by step through the process, so that you can create your drawing in the best possible conditions. Get yourself a sheet of paper (or a drawing book) and your best pencil, so you’ll know exactly how to make your skull thanks to this tutorial.

Ready to embark? We’re off!

Drawing Pirate Skull 1

Let’s start with our first drawing. Let’s see together, step by step, how to reproduce a skull and its bones to get a result that will make pirates shudder! Let’s go.

<1) The Skull Base

To begin, draw an oval shape to serve as the base for your skull. Also add the two strokes as shown in the image below.
Drawing A Pirate Skull

2) Bone base

Now draw two intersecting lines, representing the base of the two bones. 🦴
Drawing A Pirate Skull

3) Eye Base

Trace an outline for the eyes. This will shape the eyes on your skull! This step is important, so apply yourself.
Drawing A Pirate Skull

4) Base of the Nose

Now draw what will become the nose. Take inspiration from the model just below.
Drawing A Pirate Skull

5) The top of the skull

Now draw the outline of the head. The smoother your rounding, the more beautiful your pirate skull will be! 💀
Drawing A Pirate Skull

6) The shape of the skull

The shape of your skull starts to take shape thanks to these two lines. Apply yourself!
Drawing A Pirate Skull

7) The chin

Now shape the outline of the chin. It’s up to you to decide how big you want it to be.
Drawing A Pirate Skull

8) The Mouth

Now draw the outline of the mouth. Give it a demonic smile to get a perfect drawing.
Drawing A Pirate Skull

9) Teeth

It’s time to give him teeth. To do this, simply draw straight lines in the mouth we’ve just formed. 🦷
Drawing A Pirate Skull

10) The First Bone

Use the axis we created earlier to draw a perfect, straight bone.
Drawing A Pirate Skull

11) The Second Bone

Now draw the second bone. They intersect for a spectacular rendering. Use the same proportions as for the first!
Drawing A Pirate Skull

12) Finishes

Make the necessary improvements to refine your design. You can simply (like us) fill in the areas you want. Or, for a spectacular result, go even further by coloring in your skull and crossbones!
Drawing A Pirate Skull

Drawing Pirate Skull 2

Let’s move on to the second pirate skull! This one is more complex to make and not recommended for children. However, it’s much more impressive! Be diligent and follow our step-by-step advice to get this design perfectly right!

1) The Skull Basics

Start simply by drawing a circle for the head, then add the shape of the pirate hat lining, as shown in the image below. Next, draw the guidelines for the face and finish by drawing the shape of the jaw. ✍️
Drawing A Pirate Skull

2) Hat, Beard and Lines

During this step, draw the remaining lines on the hat to complete its back shape. Once that’s done, start drawing the shape of the skull cheeks, then the lining of the teeth on the lower jaw. Finally, draw the shape of the eye patch. 👀
Drawing A Pirate Skull

3) Teeth, Neck and Symbols

This is our third step, and we’re already nearing the end! Now draw the top part of the hat, then the lining of the little skull and sword in the middle of the hat. 🎩 Once you’ve done that, add the eye socket and the nose hole in the shape of a triangle. To complete this step, start drawing the shape of the teeth, then the braided beard.

Drawing A Pirate Skull

4) Final Details

Here we are at the final stage of our design. Now it’s time to add detail and definition to the pirate skull and hat. Draw a curved line under the hat, then add the pirate swords as shown in the example below. ⚔️
Next, outline the eyes and mouth. Add detail to the eye patch and bone lines around the teeth. Don’t forget to draw cracks in the teeth for a realistic look. Once you’ve finished, you can define the braided beard by drawing lines to represent the hairs. Erase all the guiding lines and shapes you drew in the first step.

Drawing A Pirate Skull

5) Colorization

Once you’ve colored the hollow parts of the pirate skull, your sketch should look like the image above. Now all you have to do is color in the rest of the skull and you’re done! You’ve just learned how to draw a pirate skull step by step. 🙌
Drawing A Pirate Skull

Drawing Pirate Skull 3

Here’s the last skull we’ve got for you! It’s much simpler to make than the first, and perfectly accessible to children. Let’s go through the steps once more.

1) The Base of the Head

Start by drawing an oval shape to represent the base of your skull.
Drawing A Pirate Skull

2) Bone Lines

Draw a large cross to represent the guiding lines of your bone, and add small circles at their ends. 🦴
Drawing A Pirate Skull

3) The top of the skull

Draw the upper contour of the head. This is an important step for what’s to come.
Drawing A Pirate Skull

4) The Jaw

Now draw the lower outline of the head. You’re beginning to see more clearly, aren’t you?
Drawing A Pirate Skull

5) Eyes

Eyes are of paramount importance to our design! Trace the contours of the eyes and create the eye patch now. 👁
Drawing A Pirate Skull

6) The Nose

Now draw the nose. Take inspiration from the shapes in the image below to get a realistic result!
Drawing A Pirate Skull

7) Left bones

Now let’s draw the bones that will accompany our skull and crossbones.
Drawing A Pirate Skull

8) Right Bone

Proceed in the same way as for the first. Try to keep the proportions the same!

9) Cracks

As mentioned above, cracks add extra realism. Feel free to let your imagination run wild!
Drawing A Pirate Skull

10) Filling

Now make the final necessary improvements. We recommend filling in the darker parts. You can also choose to color your skull for a more diabolical look!
Drawing A Pirate Skull

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